bool, string,int, int8, int16, int32, int64,uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, uintptr,rune, byte,float32, float64,complex64, complex128
var user = "ABC"var class, age = 5, 10var isAdult boolhobby := "painting"fmt.Println(user, class, age, isAdult, hobby)// ABC 5 10 false painting
const APP string = "Golang app"const port = 9001fmt.Printf("%T\n", port)
isAdult := truefor isAdult { fmt.Println("Ready to vote!") isAdult = false}for class := 1; class < 10; class++ { fmt.Println(class) fmt.Println("class")}for { fmt.Println("I’m infinite loop, with a break") break}
// to create an empty map, use the built-in makeclass := make(map[string]int)class["Johnny"] = 7class["Jeo"] = 10fmt.Println(class)fmt.Println(len(class))fmt.Println(len(class))delete(class, "Johnny") // deleting keyfmt.Println(len(class))
// present value in the map_, ok := class["Jeo"]fmt.Println(ok)// another way of initializing mapsmoreClass := map[string]int{"Bob": 8, "Any": 3}fmt.Println(moreClass)
type user struct { name string}
bob := user{"Bob"}bobPointer := &bobtommyPointer := &user{"Tommy"}var userPointer *user = new(user)
func eating(user string, food string) string { return fmt.Sprintf(user + "is eating" + food)}
// multiple return valuesfunc isAdult(age int) (int, bool) { if age > 18 { return age, true } return age, false}
// variadic functionsfunc good(students ...string) { for _, student := range students { fmt.Println("This is good student", student) }}func main() { work := eating("Bob", "Jon") age, valid := isAdult(11) fmt.Println(work, age, valid) good("Bob", "John") good("Bob", "John", "Any", "Tom")
// if you already have multiple args in a slice, using func(slice...) students := []string{"Bob", "John", "Any"} good(students...) // closures goodChecker := good goodChecker(students...) func() { fmt.Println("Printing good students...") }()}
name := "Jon"switch name {case "Jon": fmt.Println("Good student")case "Bob": fmt.Println("Average student")}
age := 9switch {case age > 17: fmt.Println("Adult")default: fmt.Println("Minor")}
// an array of elements of a specific lengthvar students [3]stringfmt.Println(len(students))students[0] = "John"fmt.Println(students)fmt.Println(students[0])fmt.Println(len(students))moreStudents := [3]string{"Any", "Tom", "Bob"}fmt.Println(moreStudents)
// 2D arrayvar scoreMatrix [2][3]intfor i := 0; i < 2; i++ { for j := 0; j < 3; j++ { scoreMatrix[i][j] = i + j }}
// a slice doesn’t need a specific lengthvar students []stringfmt.Println(len(students))students = append(students, "Bob")fmt.Println(len(students))
type user struct { name string age int}
func main() { fmt.Println(user{name: "Bob", age: 25}) fmt.Println(user{name: "Any", age: 31})
// omitted fields will be zero-valued initialized fmt.Println(user{name: "John"}) tom := user{name: "Tom", age: 50} fmt.Println(tom.age) tom.age = 51}
type user interface { isGood()}type goodStudent struct{}
func (g goodStudent) isGood() { fmt.Println("Good student")}
type averageStudent struct{}
func (a averageStudent) isGood() { fmt.Println("Average Student")}func main() { students := []user{ goodStudent{}, averageStudent{}, } for _, student := range students { student.isGood() }}
func isGood(name string) { fmt.Println("This is good student", name)}func main() { go isGood("Bob") time.Sleep(time.Second)}
func isAdult(name string, valid chan bool) { time.Sleep(time.Second) fmt.Println("This student is adult", name) valid <- true}func main() { // un-buffered channels validSignal := make(chan bool) name := "Bob" go isAdult(name, validSignal) fmt.Println(<-validSignal)
// buffered channels oneSignal := make(chan bool, 1) oneSignal <- true fmt.Println(<-oneSignal)
// closing channel to prevent deadlocks oneSignal <- true close(oneSignal)
for message := range oneSignal { fmt.Println(message) }}